CRITICAL THINKING AT WORK LLC provides a way for you to view your company through the proven lens of scientific data and research. The central theory looks at the differences between POUND companies, those that control from the top down, as opposed to FLEX companies, that allow freedom of thought, experimentation, and continued pushback against the status quo for maximum innovation.
POUND companies
Take a close look at most well established businesses and you will find no shortage of POUND companies. They are the result of built-in assumptions about hierarchy and structure that have not been questioned over time, due to habit or fear.

Underused Employees
Due to the way the mind works, able to focus on just one thing at a time,
new ideas are literally not seen because people’s minds—and chance for advancement— depend on concentrating on mostly trivial pursuits. Ironically, employees are overworked and underused— underused for sparking the innovations companies deeply crave.
Due to the way the mind works, able to focus on just one thing at a time,
new ideas are literally not seen because people’s minds—and chance for advancement— depend on concentrating on mostly trivial pursuits. Ironically, employees are overworked and underused— underused for sparking the innovations companies deeply crave.

“That’s how we’ve always done it.” Employees are hemmed in by rigid attitudes, with no way to pilot test opportunities for change.
“That’s how we’ve always done it.” Employees are hemmed in by rigid attitudes, with no way to pilot test opportunities for change.
FLEX Companies Drive Innovation
The FLEX workplace leverages existing scientific data to improve worker satisfaction and encourage new ideas. Evidence from brain science research supports intrinsic motivation rather than the carrot/stick approach of most traditionally structured companies.